Comber (Serranus cabrilla)
Latin name: Serranus cabrilla
Common name: Comber
In other languages: E: Cabrilla, F: Serran-chevre, D: Sägebarsch
Class: Actinopterygii
Order: Perciformes
Family: Serranidae
Distribution: Mediterranean, Atlantic, Red Sea.
Reproduction: Breeds April to July (Mediterranean), the eggs are planktonic.
Behaviour: The cabrilla is a true hermaphrodite in that both testes and ovaries are present within each individual specimen.
Diet: Crustaceans and molluscs.
Habitat: Living in inshore waters around rocks from 10 metres down to 50 metres.
Size: Common: 10 - 25cm, maximum: 40cm.
Colour: Having vertical brown bars down both flanks, their most noticeable features are the horizontal lines of yellowish green and orange, running across their gill covers down the length of the body to the tail. The vivid blue spots on both dorsal and tailfins are lost when landed by anglers and are visible only in water during life.
Did you know: These friendly fish are easily approached staying close to the substrate underwater, rarely moving great distances even when alarmed. Overall this species is quite easy for divers to follow and a good starting point for those who wish to study fish and their habits in a natural environment.