Golden Grey Mullet (Liza Aurata)
Latin name: Liza aurata
Common name: Golden grey mullet
In other languages: E: Galupe, F: Mulet dore, D: Goldbarbe
Order: Mugiliformes
Family: Mugilidae
Genus: Liza
Habitat: Frequenting harbours, estuaries and lagoons in shallow water close to the coast. They may be seen in rivers and around sewage outfall pipes in search of food. The are at home among seaweed and algae covered rocks.
Reproduction: Breeds July to September (Mediterranean); over 2,000,000 eggs.
Behaviour: A pelagic fish that can be seen within marinas in shoals in the shade of yachts, likewise grazing from the hulls or just swimming around biting at the surface water, which they push over their gill rakes to extract food held in the surface water tension.
Diet: Planktonic invertebrates and snails.
Size: Common: 25 - 27cm, maximum: 55cm.
Colour: On clear sunny days the gold blushing on the gill covers and flanks is very easy to distinguish from the grey of the thin lip mullet (liza ramada) and the thick lip grey mullet (chelon labrosus).
Did you know? In some areas of the Mediterranean this fish is shunned because of its eating habits (sewage outfall pipes), in others such as the Black Sea, it is of great commercial value.
Mythology & Fable: The Greek poet Oppian spoke well of the mullet drawing attention to its gentle and peaceful way of life.